Selinux answers

SELinux Hands-On Practice Task Answers

Below are sample answers, commands, and explanations for each task. Use these as a guide to verify your work.

  1. Check SELinux Status:
    • Command: sestatus
    • Explanation: Displays the current SELinux mode (enforcing, permissive, or disabled) and policy type.
  2. Switch to Permissive Mode Temporarily:
    • Command: setenforce 0
    • Explanation: Temporarily sets SELinux to permissive mode (changes revert on reboot).
  3. Switch Back to Enforcing Mode:
    • Command: setenforce 1
    • Explanation: Re-enables SELinux enforcement immediately.
  4. Display File Security Context:
    • Command: ls -Z /etc/passwd
    • Explanation: Lists the security context for /etc/passwd.
  5. Change File Context Using chcon:
    • Command:
      touch /tmp/testfile
      chcon -t user_home_t /tmp/testfile
    • Explanation: Creates a test file and assigns it a new SELinux type.
  6. Restore File Context to Default:
    • Command: restorecon /tmp/testfile
    • Explanation: Reverts the file’s SELinux context to its default as defined by policy.
  7. List All SELinux Booleans:
    • Command: getsebool -a
    • Explanation: Displays all SELinux boolean settings.
  8. Temporarily Modify an SELinux Boolean:
    • Command: setsebool httpd_enable_homedirs on
    • Explanation: Changes the boolean temporarily (does not persist after reboot).
  9. Permanently Modify an SELinux Boolean:
    • Command: setsebool -P httpd_enable_homedirs on
    • Explanation: The -P flag ensures the change persists across reboots.
  10. Add a New File Context Rule:
    • Command:
      semanage fcontext -a -t my_custom_t "/home/testdir(/.*)?"
    • Explanation: Adds a file context rule for all files under /home/testdir.
  11. Apply the New File Context Rule:
    • Command: restorecon -R /home/testdir
    • Explanation: Applies the new context rule recursively in the directory.
  12. Check Active SELinux Policies:
    • Command: sestatus
    • Explanation: Confirms whether the system is using the targeted or strict policy.
  13. List Running Processes with SELinux Contexts:
    • Command: ps -eZ
    • Explanation: Displays all running processes along with their SELinux contexts.
  14. Inspect a Specific Process Context:
    • Command:
      pidof sshd
      cat /proc/<pid>/attr/current
    • Explanation: Replace <pid> with the actual process ID to view its context.
  15. Map a Linux User to an SELinux User:
    • Command: semanage login -a -s user_u username
    • Explanation: Maps the Linux user username to the SELinux user user_u.
  16. List SELinux User Mappings:
    • Command: semanage login -l
    • Explanation: Lists all current mappings between Linux and SELinux users.
  17. Generate an SELinux Audit Report:
    • Command: sealert -a /var/log/audit/audit.log
    • Explanation: Processes the audit log to provide human-readable suggestions.
  18. Filter SELinux Audit Messages:
    • Command: ausearch -m avc -ts recent
    • Explanation: Filters audit messages for SELinux access vector cache (AVC) denials.
  19. Generate a Custom Policy Module:
    • Command: audit2allow -a -M custom_module
    • Explanation: Analyzes recent denials and generates a module named custom_module.
  20. Load the Custom Policy Module:
    • Command: semodule -i custom_module.pp
    • Explanation: Installs the custom policy module into the SELinux policy.
  21. Remove an SELinux Module:
    • Command: semodule -r custom_module
    • Explanation: Uninstalls the previously loaded module.
  22. Trigger a Full Filesystem Relabel:
    • Command:
      touch /.autorelabel
    • Explanation: Creates a marker file so that on reboot, the system relabels all files.
  23. Create a Test File and Change Its Context:
    • Command:
      echo "SELinux test" > /tmp/testfile2
      chcon -t user_home_t /tmp/testfile2
    • Explanation: Creates a file and assigns a new SELinux type.
  24. Verify the File Context Change:
    • Command: ls -Z /tmp/testfile2
    • Explanation: Confirms that the new context is applied.
  25. List Installed SELinux Modules:
    • Command: semodule -l
    • Explanation: Lists all currently installed SELinux modules.
  26. Adjust a Boolean Affecting a Service:
    • Command:
      setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect on
      systemctl restart httpd
    • Explanation: Enables network connections for Apache and restarts the service.
  27. Edit the SELinux Configuration File:
    • Command: sudo nano /etc/selinux/config
    • Explanation: Modify the configuration (e.g., change SELINUX=enforcing to SELINUX=permissive) and save changes.
  28. Reboot to Apply Configuration Changes:
    • Command: sudo reboot
    • Explanation: After reboot, use sestatus to verify that the new mode is active.
  29. Add a New Port Context:
    • Command: semanage port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp 8080
    • Explanation: Adds a new TCP port (8080) to be managed under the http_port_t type.
  30. Verify the New Port Context:
    • Command: semanage port -l | grep 8080
    • Explanation: Confirms that port 8080 is listed with the correct context.
  31. Confirm Targeted Policy Usage:
    • Command: sestatus
    • Explanation: Look for “Policy from config file: targeted” to confirm usage.
  32. Identify an Unconfined Process:
    • Command: ps -eZ | grep unconfined
    • Explanation: Lists processes running with an unconfined SELinux context.
  33. Simulate a Denial Scenario:
    • Action: Change the file context of a web file (e.g., assign a non-web type to an Apache file) and try to access it via the web server.
    • Verification: Check /var/log/audit/audit.log for AVC denials.
  34. Use audit2allow on Denial Logs:
    • Command: audit2allow -a
    • Explanation: Processes recent denial messages and outputs sample allow rules.
  35. Load the Generated Policy Rule:
    • Command: audit2allow -a -M mypolicy && semodule -i mypolicy.pp
    • Explanation: Generates and installs a custom module to resolve the denial.
  36. Compare System Behavior with SELinux Disabled:
    • Command: setenforce 0 (temporarily disable)
    • Action: Test the same operation that previously generated a denial. Then re-enable SELinux with setenforce 1.
  37. Inspect a Web Server Directory:
    • Command: ls -Z /var/www/html
    • Explanation: Displays SELinux contexts for all files in the web directory.
  38. Change a Web Directory Context:
    • Command: chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_t /var/www/html
    • Explanation: Sets the proper SELinux type for web content.
  39. Create a Custom File Labeling Policy:
    • Command:
      semanage fcontext -a -t my_custom_t "/home/newdir(/.*)?"
    • Explanation: Defines a custom file context for all files under /home/newdir.
  40. Apply and Verify the Custom Labeling Policy:
    • Command:
      restorecon -R /home/newdir
      ls -Z /home/newdir
    • Explanation: Applies the new policy and verifies the changes.
  41. Recursively List File Contexts:
    • Command: ls -ZR /var/www
    • Explanation: Recursively displays SELinux contexts in the /var/www directory.
  42. Simulate a Process Context Modification:
    • Action: If supported, modify how a process is launched to use a different SELinux domain (this may involve custom scripts or container settings). Verify with ps -eZ.
  43. Quickly Check the Current Mode:
    • Command: getenforce
    • Explanation: Outputs the current mode (Enforcing, Permissive, or Disabled).
  44. Toggle and Verify an SELinux Boolean:
    • Command:
      setsebool ftp_home_dir on
      getsebool ftp_home_dir
    • Explanation: Changes and then confirms the boolean’s value.
  45. List Detailed SELinux Policy Modules:
    • Command: semodule -l
    • Explanation: Lists modules; additional inspection may require checking policy file details in /etc/selinux.
  46. Simulate a Service Denial:
    • Action: Attempt to start a service that is misconfigured (or has an incorrect file context).
    • Verification: Review /var/log/audit/audit.log for denials.
  47. Reset a Misconfigured File Context:
    • Command:
      chcon -t wrong_type /tmp/testfile3
      restorecon /tmp/testfile3
    • Explanation: Resets the file’s context back to its default.
  48. Practice Changing Modes with setenforce:
    • Command:
      setenforce 0
      setenforce 1
    • Explanation: Demonstrates toggling between modes and verifying each change.
  49. Inspect Network Port Contexts:
    • Command: semanage port -l
    • Explanation: Lists all network port contexts managed by SELinux.
  50. Modify and Revert a File Context:
    • Command:
      chcon -t tmp_t /tmp/testfile4
      ls -Z /tmp/testfile4
      restorecon /tmp/testfile4
      ls -Z /tmp/testfile4
    • Explanation: Changes the file context and then reverts it.
  51. Verify a Service’s SELinux Context:
    • Command: ps -eZ | grep sshd
    • Explanation: Checks that the SSH service is running with the proper context.
  52. Investigate SELinux Log Errors:
    • Command: ausearch -m avc -ts recent
    • Explanation: Inspects recent denial messages; document findings for troubleshooting.
  53. Create a Custom Policy Rule for an Application:
    • Action: Simulate an application denial, then run:
      audit2allow -a -M app_policy
      semodule -i app_policy.pp
    • Explanation: Generates and installs a policy rule to allow the previously blocked action.
  54. Compare Targeted vs. Strict Policies:
    • Action: Examine /etc/selinux/config and use sestatus to review the active policy. Document differences by referring to SELinux documentation.
  55. Explore SELinux Policy Files:
    • Command: ls -l /etc/selinux
    • Explanation: Reviews the policy directories and files to understand policy structure.
  56. Backup Current SELinux Modules:
    • Command: semodule -l > selinux_modules_backup.txt
    • Explanation: Saves the list of installed modules to a file for backup purposes.
  57. Simulate and Resolve a File Access Block:
    • Action: Create a file with an improper context, attempt access, note the denial, then fix it using chcon or restorecon.
  58. Test File Access with SELinux Enforced vs. Permissive:
    • Action: Compare file access (e.g., for a web server or custom application) while toggling between enforcing (setenforce 1) and permissive (setenforce 0) modes.
  59. Configure SELinux for a Container:
    • Action: Launch a Docker container with SELinux enabled (for example, using --security-opt label=type:container_t) and verify file contexts inside the container with ls -Z.
  60. Document Your SELinux Changes:
    • Action: Maintain a log file (e.g., /home/youruser/selinux_changes.log) where you record each change, command executed, and the outcome. You can use any text editor to create and update this log.

These tasks and answers provide a comprehensive hands-on approach to learning SELinux while preparing for your Linux+ exam. Happy practicing!


Linux System Management Cheat Sheet


=========================== Topic 1: User & Group Management ===========================

  1. Create a new user account with a specified home directory and default shell. Command: useradd -m -d /home/username -s /bin/bash username

  2. Set a password for the new user. Command: passwd username

  3. Configure the new account so that the user must change the password upon first login. Command: chage -d 0 username

  4. Create a new group and verify its entry in /etc/group. Command: groupadd groupname cat /etc/group | grep groupname

  5. Add the new user to the newly created group. Command: usermod -aG groupname username

  6. Remove an existing user from a specified group. Command: gpasswd -d username groupname

  7. Display all user accounts on the system by examining /etc/passwd. Command: cat /etc/passwd

  8. Display all groups present on the system. Command: cat /etc/group

  9. Modify the default shell for an existing user account. Command: usermod -s /bin/zsh username

  10. Lock a user account to prevent login. Command: passwd -l username

  11. Unlock a previously locked user account. Command: passwd -u username

  12. Remove a user account and optionally its home directory. Command: userdel -r username

  13. Remove a group and verify that its memberships are updated. Command: groupdel groupname cat /etc/group | grep groupname

  14. Verify user account details by inspecting /etc/passwd. Command: grep username /etc/passwd

  15. Verify group information by inspecting /etc/group. Command: grep groupname /etc/group

  16. Update a user’s details (e.g., comment field or home directory) using a command like usermod. Commands: usermod -c “Full Name” username usermod -d /new/home/username username

  17. Create a system account for background services. Command: useradd -r -s /usr/sbin/nologin serviceuser

  18. Write a script to batch add multiple users to a group. Example Script ( #!/bin/bash for user in $(cat users.txt); do usermod -aG groupname “$user” done # Make executable: chmod +x

  19. Grant sudo access to a specific user by editing the sudoers file. Instruction: Use visudo and add: username ALL=(ALL) ALL

  20. Back up the /etc/passwd and /etc/group files for recovery purposes. Commands: cp /etc/passwd /etc/passwd.bak cp /etc/group /etc/group.bak

=========================== Topic 2: Service Management with systemd ===========================

  1. Create a shell script that writes the current date and time to a log file. Example Script ( #!/bin/bash date » /var/log/datetime.log # Make executable: chmod +x

  2. Build a systemd service unit file to execute the log script. Create file: /etc/systemd/system/logtime.service with: [Unit] Description=Log Current Date and Time

    [Service] ExecStart=/path/to/

  3. Save the service unit file in /etc/systemd/system/ (see above).

  4. Reload the systemd daemon to acknowledge the new service. Command: systemctl daemon-reload

  5. Enable the service so that it starts automatically at boot. Command: systemctl enable logtime.service

  6. Manually start the service and verify its operation. Commands: systemctl start logtime.service systemctl status logtime.service

  7. Use systemctl to check the service status and review its logs. Commands: systemctl status logtime.service journalctl -u logtime.service

  8. Develop a systemd timer unit that triggers the service on a set schedule (e.g., hourly). Create file: /etc/systemd/system/logtime.timer with: [Unit] Description=Run logtime.service hourly

    [Timer] OnCalendar=hourly Persistent=true


  9. Enable and start the timer unit. Command: systemctl enable –now logtime.timer

  10. Check the timer’s status and scheduled activations. Command: systemctl list-timers –all systemctl status logtime.timer

  11. Modify the service unit to run under a specific user and group. In the [Service] section, add: User=username Group=groupname

  12. Configure the service to automatically restart on failure. In the service unit file under [Service] add: Restart=on-failure

  13. Set a working directory for the service in the unit file. In the service unit file under [Service] add: WorkingDirectory=/path/to/dir

  14. Configure custom environment variables for the service. In the service unit file under [Service] add: Environment=”VAR=value”

  15. Establish a dependency between this service and another systemd unit. In the [Unit] section add: # (or the specific unit)

  16. Create a custom systemd target and assign your service to it. Create file: /etc/systemd/system/ with: [Unit] Description=Custom target for logtime service Then, in logtime.service add under [Install]:

  17. Simulate a script failure to observe the restart behavior. Instruction: Modify the script to exit with a non-zero status to test Restart=on-failure.

  18. Disable both the service and its timer. Command: systemctl disable –now logtime.service logtime.timer

  19. Write a separate script that monitors and restarts the service if it stops unexpectedly. Example Script ( #!/bin/bash while true; do systemctl is-active –quiet logtime.service || systemctl restart logtime.service sleep 60 done

  20. Document all changes made to the service and timer configuration. Recommendation: Maintain a changelog (e.g., in /var/log/changelog.log or a version-controlled documentation file).

=========================== Topic 3: Scheduling Tasks with Cron ===========================

  1. Write a script that backs up a designated directory. Example Script ( #!/bin/bash tar -czf /backup/mydir_$(date +%F).tar.gz /path/to/directory # Make executable: chmod +x

  2. Schedule the backup script to run daily at midnight using cron. Crontab entry: 0 0 * * * /path/to/

  3. Edit the current user’s crontab using the proper command. Command: crontab -e

  4. Define environment variables within the crontab file. Example at the top of crontab: PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin

  5. Modify a cron job to redirect its output to a specific log file. Example: 0 0 * * * /path/to/ » /var/log/backup.log 2>&1

  6. Schedule a task to run every 15 minutes. Crontab entry: */15 * * * * /path/to/

  7. Create a cron job that runs only on Saturdays and Sundays. Crontab entry: 0 0 * * 6,0 /path/to/

  8. Delete an existing cron job from the crontab. Instruction: Run “crontab -e”, remove the specific line, and save.

  9. List all current cron jobs for the user. Command: crontab -l

  10. Set up a cron job to run at system startup using the @reboot directive. Crontab entry: @reboot /path/to/

  11. Schedule a cron job for another user (with appropriate privileges). Command: sudo crontab -u username -e

  12. Configure a cron job to run at a specified date and time. Instruction: Use standard cron time fields to match the specific date/time.

  13. Set a cron job to update system packages weekly. Example (for Debian/Ubuntu): 0 3 * * 0 sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

  14. Create a cron job that removes old files from a temporary directory. Example: 0 4 * * * find /tmp -type f -mtime +7 -delete

  15. Schedule a job that monitors disk usage and logs the output. Example: 0 * * * * df -h » /var/log/disk_usage.log

  16. Configure a cron job to run with a random delay to avoid simultaneous execution. Instruction: Insert “sleep $((RANDOM % 300))” at the start of your script.

  17. Set up a cron job that sends email notifications upon task completion. Recommendation: Set the MAILTO variable at the top of the crontab and ensure your script outputs results.

  18. Verify that a cron job is executing correctly by examining log outputs. Check: /var/log/syslog (or /var/log/cron) for cron entries.

  19. Modify the timing of an already scheduled cron job. Instruction: Edit the crontab using “crontab -e” and adjust the time fields.

  20. Export and back up your crontab configuration to a file. Command: crontab -l > my_crontab_backup.txt

=========================== Topic 4: File Permissions and Ownership ===========================

  1. Create a new directory and a file within it. Commands: mkdir /path/to/newdir touch /path/to/newdir/newfile.txt

  2. Change a file’s permissions to 644 using both symbolic and numeric methods. Commands: chmod 644 file.txt chmod u=rw,go=r file.txt

  3. Adjust a directory’s permissions to 755. Command: chmod 755 /path/to/directory

  4. Use chown to change the file owner to another user. Command: chown newuser file.txt

  5. Modify a file’s group using chgrp or chown. Commands: chgrp newgroup file.txt # or chown :newgroup file.txt

  6. Recursively set permissions for all files in a directory. Command: chmod -R 644 /path/to/directory # (Adjust directories to 755 if needed)

  7. Change permissions on a file using symbolic notation (e.g., u+x). Command: chmod u+x

  8. Use numeric (octal) notation to modify file permissions. Command: chmod 755

  9. Create or modify an executable file to set the setuid bit. Command: chmod u+s

  10. Create a shared directory and apply the sticky bit. Command: mkdir /shared chmod 1777 /shared

  11. Apply an Access Control List to grant a specific user additional permissions on a file. Command: setfacl -m u:username:rw file.txt

  12. Verify the ACL settings on a file using getfacl. Command: getfacl file.txt

  13. Remove an ACL entry from a file using setfacl. Command: setfacl -x u:username file.txt

  14. Write a script to change group ownership on multiple files. Example Script ( #!/bin/bash for file in /path/to/directory/*; do chown :newgroup “$file” done

  15. Set and test the default umask for new files and directories. Command: umask 022 # Then create files/directories and check with ls -l

  16. Use ls -l to document permissions before and after changes. Commands: ls -l file.txt > permissions_before.txt chmod 644 file.txt ls -l file.txt > permissions_after.txt

  17. Create a script that resets file permissions to a predefined standard. Example Script ( #!/bin/bash find /path/to/directory -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; find /path/to/directory -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;

  18. Create a file with no permissions and then restore default permissions. Commands: touch file.txt chmod 000 file.txt chmod 644 file.txt

  19. Adjust group permissions to allow execution on a file. Command: chmod g+x

  20. Write a script to back up current permissions and restore them when needed. Example Script ( #!/bin/bash # Backup ACLs and permissions getfacl -R /path/to/directory > permissions.backup # To restore later: # setfacl –restore=permissions.backup

=========================== Topic 5: Process Management ===========================

  1. Use ps to display all running processes. Command: ps aux

  2. Launch top or htop to monitor system processes in real time. Commands: top # or htop

  3. Use ps or pgrep to find a process by name and note its PID. Commands: ps aux | grep processname pgrep processname

  4. Gracefully terminate a process using the SIGTERM signal. Command: kill -15

  5. Force terminate a process with SIGKILL if it does not respond to SIGTERM. Command: kill -9

  6. Write a script to monitor a specific process’s CPU usage over time. Example Script ( #!/bin/bash while true; do ps -p -o %cpu,%mem sleep 60 done

  7. Create a script that tracks a process’s memory consumption. Example Script ( #!/bin/bash while true; do ps -p -o %mem sleep 60 done

  8. Utilize pgrep to find processes matching a specific pattern. Command: pgrep -f pattern

  9. Use pkill to terminate all processes matching a given name. Command: pkill processname

  10. Start a process in the background and verify it is running. Commands: ./ & jobs # or ps aux

  11. Bring a background process to the foreground using job control commands. Command: fg %

  12. Suspend a process (using Ctrl+Z) and then resume it with fg or bg. Instruction: Press Ctrl+Z to suspend, then use: fg # to resume in foreground bg # to resume in background

  13. Use pstree to visualize parent-child relationships among processes. Command: pstree

  14. Run a long‑running process with nohup to ensure it continues after logout. Command: nohup ./ &

  15. Change the niceness value of a running process using renice. Command: renice -n 10 -p

  16. Use htop to interactively manage and monitor processes. Command: htop

  17. Create a script that logs CPU and memory usage of a process over time. Example Script ( #!/bin/bash while true; do ps -p -o %cpu,%mem >> process_usage.log sleep 60 done

  18. Set up a mechanism to automatically restart a specific process if it stops. Recommendation: Use a systemd service with “Restart=on-failure” or a cron script to check status and restart.

  19. Configure a systemd service to manage a long‑running process. Instruction: Write a systemd unit file for the process and enable it (see Topic 2 for examples).

  20. Document overall process resource usage and create a summary report. Recommendation: Use tools like ps, top, and vmstat to collect data; redirect output to a file and summarize with awk/sed.

=========================== Topic 6: System Logging Configuration ===========================

  1. Configure rsyslog to write specific log messages to a custom log file. Example (in /etc/rsyslog.d/custom.conf): if $msg contains ‘specific text’ then /var/log/custom.log & stop

  2. Develop a new rsyslog configuration file for filtering certain logs. Instruction: Create a file (e.g., /etc/rsyslog.d/filter.conf) with your filtering rules.

  3. Restart the rsyslog service to apply configuration changes. Command: systemctl restart rsyslog

  4. Set up a filter in rsyslog to log messages of a specific severity to a separate file. Example: if $syslogseverity-text == ‘error’ then /var/log/error.log & stop

  5. Configure rsyslog to forward selected log messages to a remote log server. Example: .

  6. Create a logrotate configuration for your custom log file. Example (in /etc/logrotate.d/custom): /var/log/custom.log { daily rotate 7 compress missingok notifempty }

  7. Use the logger command to generate a test log message and verify its destination. Command: logger “Test log message”

  8. Send a test message via logger and check its logging. (Same as item 7.)

  9. Use journalctl to view logs from the last hour for a particular service. Command: journalctl -u servicename –since “1 hour ago”

  10. Export filtered journal logs to a file for offline analysis. Command: journalctl -u servicename –since “1 hour ago” > servicelog.txt

  11. Modify the rsyslog configuration to change the default log file location for a facility. Instruction: Edit the appropriate facility settings in the rsyslog configuration file.

  12. Activate debug logging in rsyslog and verify increased verbosity. Instruction: Adjust rsyslog.conf for debug level logging and restart rsyslog.

  13. Back up the original rsyslog configuration file before making changes. Command: cp /etc/rsyslog.conf /etc/rsyslog.conf.bak

  14. Examine the system log files for common error messages and document your findings. Recommendation: Use grep and tail on /var/log/syslog or /var/log/messages.

  15. Configure logrotate to manage log retention and file size limits. Instruction: Create/update configuration files under /etc/logrotate.d/

  16. Adjust file permissions on log files to enhance security. Command: chmod 640 /var/log/custom.log

  17. Create a script to monitor log file sizes and send alerts when they grow beyond a threshold. Example Script ( #!/bin/bash filesize=$(stat -c%s /var/log/custom.log) threshold=10485760 # 10 MB if [ $filesize -gt $threshold ]; then echo “Log file too large!” | mail -s “Alert” fi

  18. Write a script to archive and compress logs older than a specified date. Example Script ( #!/bin/bash find /var/log -type f -mtime +7 -exec tar -czf archived_logs.tar.gz {} \;

  19. Set up a centralized logging solution on your VM. Recommendation: Consider installing and configuring tools such as rsyslog, syslog-ng, or an ELK stack.

  20. Record every change made to the logging configuration and maintain a backup copy of config files. Recommendation: Use version control (e.g., git) to track changes in /etc/rsyslog.d/ and /etc/rsyslog.conf.

=========================== Topic 7: Disk & Partition Management ===========================

  1. Use fdisk -l (or a similar command) to list all available disks and partitions. Command: fdisk -l

  2. Use fdisk or parted to create a new partition on a virtual disk. Command: fdisk /dev/sdX # Follow on-screen prompts to create a new partition

  3. Format the new partition with a filesystem (e.g., ext4). Command: mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdX1

  4. Manually mount the new partition to a designated directory. Command: mount /dev/sdX1 /mnt/newpartition

  5. Add an entry in /etc/fstab to mount the partition automatically at boot. Example Entry (in /etc/fstab): /dev/sdX1 /mnt/newpartition ext4 defaults 0 2

  6. Initialize a new partition table on a virtual disk. Command (using parted): parted /dev/sdX mklabel gpt # (Or use “msdos” for MBR)

  7. Resize an existing partition using parted or another tool. Command: parted /dev/sdX resizepart # Follow prompts to set new size

  8. Create a new physical volume, add it to a volume group, and create a logical volume. Commands: pvcreate /dev/sdX1 vgcreate myvg /dev/sdX1 lvcreate -L 10G -n mylv myvg

  9. Format the logical volume with an appropriate filesystem. Command: mkfs.ext4 /dev/myvg/mylv

  10. Mount the logical volume and update /etc/fstab accordingly. Commands: mount /dev/myvg/mylv /mnt/lv # Add appropriate entry to /etc/fstab

  11. Create and activate a swap file or partition. For a swap file: fallocate -l 1G /swapfile chmod 600 /swapfile mkswap /swapfile swapon /swapfile

  12. Use df to display disk space usage for all mounted filesystems. Command: df -h

  13. Use du to determine the disk usage of specific directories. Command: du -sh /path/to/directory

  14. Set up a RAID configuration using mdadm on multiple partitions. Command: mdadm –create –verbose /dev/md0 –level=1 –raid-devices=2 /dev/sdX1 /dev/sdY1

  15. Test the RAID configuration by simulating a disk failure scenario. Instruction: Use “mdadm –fail /dev/md0 /dev/sdX1” then “mdadm –remove /dev/md0 /dev/sdX1” to simulate failure.

  16. Use tools like sfdisk to back up the current partition table. Command: sfdisk -d /dev/sdX > partition_table.backup

  17. Practice restoring a partition table from a backup file. Command: sfdisk /dev/sdX < partition_table.backup

  18. Modify the label of a partition using a tool like e2label. Command: e2label /dev/sdX1 newlabel

  19. Perform a filesystem integrity check using fsck. Command: fsck /dev/sdX1

  20. Develop a script that monitors disk usage and sends alerts when thresholds are exceeded. Example Script ( #!/bin/bash usage=$(df / | awk ‘NR==2 {print $5}’ | sed ‘s/%//’) threshold=80 if [ $usage -gt $threshold ]; then echo “Disk usage is above threshold: ${usage}%” | mail -s “Disk Alert” fi

=========================== Topic 8: Network Configuration ===========================

  1. Use ip addr (or ifconfig) to list network interfaces and their statuses. Commands: ip addr # or ifconfig

  2. Configure a network interface with a static IP address. Example (using nmcli): nmcli con mod “System eth0” ipv4.addresses

  3. Update /etc/resolv.conf to change DNS server settings. Instruction: Edit /etc/resolv.conf and add, for example: nameserver

  4. Restart networking services to apply configuration changes. Commands: systemctl restart networking # or /etc/init.d/networking restart

  5. Use ping to verify connectivity to an external host. Command: ping

  6. Display the current routing table using ip route or route. Commands: ip route # or route -n

  7. Add a secondary IP address to an existing network interface. Command: ip addr add dev eth0

  8. Reconfigure a network interface to use DHCP for dynamic IP assignment. Example (using nmcli): nmcli con mod “System eth0” ipv4.method auto systemctl restart NetworkManager

  9. Implement a basic firewall rule with iptables (or nftables) to block a specific port. Command: iptables -A INPUT -p tcp –dport 8080 -j DROP

  10. Use netstat or ss to display active network connections. Commands: ss -tuln # or netstat -tuln

  11. Use traceroute (or tracepath) to diagnose network path issues. Commands: traceroute # or tracepath

  12. Adjust NetworkManager settings for a network interface if applicable. Example (using nmcli): nmcli con mod “System eth0” ipv4.dns “”

  13. Establish a VPN connection using command‑line tools and configuration files. Example: openvpn –config /path/to/config.ovpn

  14. Verify DNS functionality using nslookup or dig. Commands: nslookup # or dig

  15. Add a custom routing rule for specific traffic. Example: ip rule add from table 100 ip route add default via dev eth0 table 100

  16. Use iftop to observe real‑time network bandwidth usage. Command: iftop

  17. Write a script that checks and logs network connectivity at intervals. Example Script ( #!/bin/bash while true; do ping -c 4 » /var/log/network_ping.log sleep 300 done

  18. Set up a mechanism to automatically switch network configurations upon failure. Recommendation: Use tools (ifupdown, NetworkManager scripts) or custom scripts to detect failure and reconfigure.

  19. Record every change made to network settings and back up configuration files. Recommendation: Maintain version-controlled backups of configuration files (e.g., /etc/network/interfaces, /etc/NetworkManager).

  20. Develop a script that resets network settings automatically if connectivity is lost. Example Script ( #!/bin/bash if ! ping -c 1 &> /dev/null; then systemctl restart networking fi

=========================== Topic 9: Package Management ===========================

  1. Refresh the package index using your distro’s package manager. Commands: sudo apt-get update # or sudo yum update

  2. Perform a full system upgrade. Commands: sudo apt-get upgrade # or sudo yum upgrade

  3. Install a new package from the repositories. Commands: sudo apt-get install package_name # or sudo yum install package_name

  4. Uninstall an installed package and verify its removal. Commands: sudo apt-get remove package_name # or sudo yum remove package_name

  5. Use a package search command to find a package. Commands: apt-cache search package_name # or yum search package_name

  6. List installed packages to confirm a package’s presence. Commands: dpkg -l # or rpm -qa

  7. Download a package without immediately installing it. Command: apt-get download package_name

  8. Install a package from a local .deb (or equivalent) file. Command: sudo dpkg -i package_file.deb # (For RPM-based systems, use: sudo rpm -i package_file.rpm)

  9. Resolve and fix broken dependencies using appropriate package manager commands. Command: sudo apt-get install -f

  10. Clear the package cache to free up space. Commands: sudo apt-get clean # or sudo yum clean all

  11. Generate a complete list of available packages. Commands: apt-cache dumpavail # or yum list available

  12. Add a new repository or PPA (if using Ubuntu/Debian). Command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:repository_name

  13. Remove or disable an added repository from the configuration. Instruction: Edit /etc/apt/sources.list or files under /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ and comment out or remove the repository.

  14. Lock a package version to prevent automatic upgrades. Command: sudo apt-mark hold package_name

  15. Downgrade a package to an earlier version and verify compatibility. Example: sudo apt-get install package_name=version_number

  16. Apply security updates only and document the process. Recommendation: Use tools like unattended-upgrades or manually run: sudo unattended-upgrade

  17. Set up unattended upgrades for automated security patches. Command: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow unattended-upgrades

  18. Display detailed information about a package. Commands: apt-cache show package_name # or yum info package_name

  19. Check for available package updates. Command: sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -s

  20. Document and back up package management logs and history. Recommendation: Copy /var/log/apt/history.log (or equivalent for yum) to a secure backup location.

=========================== Topic 10: System Resource Monitoring ===========================

  1. Use top to observe real‑time CPU and memory usage. Command: top

  2. Install and run htop to monitor system resources interactively. Commands: sudo apt-get install htop htop

  3. Display current memory usage using the free command. Command: free -h

  4. Use vmstat to obtain system performance metrics. Command: vmstat 5

  5. Install and run iostat to monitor disk input/output activity. Commands: sudo apt-get install sysstat iostat -x 5

  6. Write a script to log system resource usage (CPU, memory) at regular intervals. Example Script ( #!/bin/bash while true; do top -b -n1 | head -n 20 » /var/log/sys_resources.log sleep 300 done

  7. Install and configure sysstat to use sar for detailed performance tracking. Commands: sudo apt-get install sysstat # Enable data collection in /etc/default/sysstat and restart: systemctl restart sysstat

  8. Use mpstat to create a CPU usage report and save it to a file. Command: mpstat 1 5 > cpu_report.txt

  9. Use iftop to monitor real‑time network bandwidth usage. Command: iftop

  10. Use the uptime command to display load averages. Command: uptime

  11. Use dstat to display multiple system resource statistics simultaneously. Command: dstat

  12. Verify swap usage using free or swapon -s. Commands: free -h swapon -s

  13. Configure monitoring tools to alert when CPU or memory usage exceeds a defined threshold. Recommendation: Use monitoring solutions like Nagios, Zabbix, or custom scripts.

  14. Create a cron job that runs your resource monitoring script at set intervals. Example: */5 * * * * /path/to/

  15. Redirect the output of your monitoring script to a log file for historical analysis. (This is handled in the scripts above with output redirection.)

  16. Use available tools (e.g., GNUPlot) to create a graphical report of resource usage. Recommendation: Install gnuplot and use it to graph data extracted from your log files.

  17. Capture and compare resource usage data between two time intervals. Recommendation: Run resource monitoring commands at different intervals and compare outputs (e.g., using diff or custom parsing scripts).

  18. Write a script to monitor and log resource usage for a specific process. Example Script ( #!/bin/bash while true; do ps -p -o %cpu,%mem >> process_resource.log sleep 60 done

  19. Create a summary report of system resource data over a period. Recommendation: Aggregate data from various logs (using awk/sed) and output a formatted summary report.

  20. Outline and implement a comprehensive plan for ongoing system performance monitoring. Recommendation: Develop a plan that includes: - Regular collection of metrics (using tools like sar, top, vmstat) - Automated alerts when thresholds are exceeded - Periodic analysis and reporting of performance data - Maintaining historical logs for trend analysis - Documenting all monitoring procedures and thresholds


End of Cheat Sheet
