Awk snippets

Cool snippets i’ve found online. Most of which i’ve gathered from ChatGPT

  • Format drive info
lsblk |awk 'NR==1{print $0" DEVICE-ID(S)"}NR>1{dev=$1;printf $0" ";system("find /dev/disk/by-id -lname \"*"dev"\" -printf \" %p\"");print "";}'|grep -v -E 'part|lvm'
  • Find pattern in file
awk '/pattern/ { count++ } END { print count }' file.txt
  • Sum all values of a column
awk '{ sum += $2 } END { print sum }' file.txt
  • Print a specific column
awk '{ print $3 }' file.txt
  • Filter and print specific fields
awk '$1 ~ /ERROR/ { print $1, $2, $5 }' log.txt
  • Field Delimiters for CSV
awk -F, '{ print $1, $3 }' data.csv
  • Print Non-Matching lines
awk '!/pattern/' file.txt 
  • Remove duplicate lines
awk '!seen[$0]++' file.txt 
  • Print lines with Line number and Field Count
awk '{ print NR ": (" NF " fields) -> " $0}' file.txt 
  • Convert Lines into a Single Comma-Separated Line
awk '{ 
  if (NR == 1) {
    # For the first line, just print
    printf "%s", $0
  } else {
    # For subsequent lines, prepend a comma
    printf ",%s", $0
} END { printf "\n" }' file.txt

Note : You’d be better off using a short sed snippet like this instead paste -sd ',' file.txt

  • Print a range of lines between two patterns
awk '/BEGIN_PATTERN/,/END_PATTERN/' file.txt 
  • Group and list files by extension
      ls -1 | awk -F. '/\./ {ext[$NF]++} END {for (e in ext) print e}' | sort