Review notes for RHCSA
This document mainly contains command snippets of the various CLI tools used for the exam
unrelated helpful snippets
echo "password" | sudo -S dnf update
-> pipes password into sudo commandfrom STDIN
output redirection & piping
STDIN: - <
or 0<
- destination: keyboard - File Decriptor: 0
or 1>
- destination: monitor - File Decriptor: 1
STDERR: - 2>
- destination: monitor - File Decriptor: 2
redirection Examples
>> or 1>>
-> redirects STDOUT in append mode
-> redirects STDERR to same dest as STDOUT
ls /home/ryan 1> /dev/tty1
-> redirects output to console on server
ls /home/ryan 2>&1 > /dev/null
-> redirects STDERR to same location as stdout and sends to /dev/null device file.
SUID -> chmod u+s , chmod 4XXX
SGID -> chmod g+s , chmod 2xxx /somedir
Sticky Bit -> chmod +t , chmod 1XXX
history -c
-> clears current history
history -w
-> remove current history and .bash_history
history -d <number>
-> deletes item from history
F= Files , D=Directories
0 -> F: Read and write , D: everything
1 -> F: Read and write , D: Read and write
2 -> F: Read, D: Read and Execute
3 -> F: Read , D: Read
4 -> F: Write , D: Execute
5 -> F: Write , D: Write
6 -> F: Nothing , D: Write
7 -> F: Nothing, D: Nothing
find / -user <user>
find / -group <group>
-> sets language for system , using UTF-8 encoding
-> shows environment variables
Bash environment
-> generic file , processed by all users upon login
-> processed by subshells
-> user-specific login shell variables
-> user-specific file , subshell variables can be defined
man -k <keyword
-> updated mandb
mount & mount related commands
df -Th -> Shows available disk space on mounted devices , lists disk type
findmnt -> shows mounts and relationships , lists mount options
ls -l -> view permissions set on each file
ls -a -> view all files , including hidden files or “dot” files
ls -lrt -> view most recently modified files
ls -d
ls -R
tar -rvf /root/archive.tar /etc/hosts
-> adds /etc/hosts file to the archive tar -tvf archive.tar
-> list contents of archive , shows permissions on each file in archive as well.
tar -uvf homes.tar /home/user/
-> updates archive with newer versions of existing files
tar -xvf random.tar -C /tmp/
-> Extracts tar archive to temp dir with -C option.
tar -xvf random.tar random/file.txt
-> extracts specific file from archive
tar -xvf random.tar -C /tmp/ random/file.txt
-> extracts speicifc file to specified directory
tar -cvJf /tmp/home.tar /home/user
-> Create xz archive
tar -xvJf /tmp/home.tar /home/user
-> Extract xz archive
tar -cvjf /tmp/home.tar /home/user
-> Create bzip2 archive
tar -xvjf /tmp/home.tar /home/user
-> Extract bzip2 archive
tar -czvf /tmp/home.tar /home/user
-> Create gzip archive
tar -xzvf /tmp/home.tar /home/user
-> Create gzip archive
gzip & bzip2 & xz
bunzip2 -> decompresses bzip2 archive
gunzip -> decompresses gzip archive
cat & tac
cat -> outputs contents from beginning to end of file
tac -> outputs contents of file from end to beginning
head & tail
head -> shows first 10 lines in file by default
tail -> shows last 10 lines in file by default
tail -<x> file or tail -n<x> file
-> outputs last x lines of file
head -<x> file or head -n<x> file
-> outputs last x lines of file
tail -f file
-> outputs last lines of file ,updates when new lines are added.
cut -d :
-> specifies delimeter , in this case it’s the “:” character
cut -d : -f 1
-> “-f” specifies which field to filter out , “:” is used as delimeter.
tail /etc/passwd | cut -d : -f 1
-> outputs the last 10 users listed in the /etc/passwd file
sort -> by default sorts content in byte order , aka the order they appear in the ascii text table
sort -n
-> sorts in numeric order from least to greatest
sort -nr
-> sorts in numeric order from greatest to least
sort -k3 -t : /etc/passwd
-> sorts the third column in /etc/passwd in numeric order
wc -> outputs number lines , words , and characters
ps aux | wc
-> outputs total processes are running on the system as each line in the output represents a running process.
grep & regex
grep -i
-> case insensitive
grep -v
-> show only lins that do not contain the regular expression
grep -r
-> searches files in the current directory and subdirectories
grep -e
-> used for lines matching more than one regular expression
grep -A<number>
-> shows “number” of lines matching regular expression
grep -B<number>
-> shows lines before the matching regular expression
grep <keyword> <file>
-> grep syntax
grep ^anna /etc/passwd
-> shows lines that start with text “anna”
grep nologin$ /etc/passwd
-> shows all lines that end with nologin
grep ':*/var' /etc/passwd
-> “*” matches zero or more of the previous character.
grep -E <expr> <file>
-> tell grep to interpet extended grep expressions grep '^#' /etc/services
-> shows lines that start with “#” in file
grep -v '^#' /etc/services
-> shows lines that do not start with “#”
-> shows lines that end with text before “$”
-> Shows lines that start with text after “^”
-> wildcard , searches for one character that matches the single character that matches the pattern
Note: put regex expression in quotes if you don’t wanna escape characters avoid misinterpretation
-> indicates character should occur one or more times
-> indicates characters should occur zero or one times
-> matches exactly two of the prevous character
-> matches a minimum of one and a mx of three of the previous character
-> parentheses are used to group multiple characters in the expression
awk -F : '{ print $4 }' /etc/passwd
-> prints out the 4th column of the /etc/passwd file , uses “:” as a delimeter.
awk -F ' /ryan/ { print $3 }' /etc/passwd
-> Gets the UID of the user “ryan” from the /etc/passwd file
ps aux | awk -F" " '{print $2"\t"$4}
-> Prints out the PID and MEM columns from ps aux
sed -n 5p /etc/passwd
-> prints fifth line from /etc/passwd file
sed -i s/<old-text>/<new-text>/g
-> replaces “old-text” in file with “new-text” , “g” means changes are added to all matching lines
sed -i
-> options writes changes to file
sed -i -e '2d' file.txt
-> deletes specific line from file , in this example line 2
sed -i -e '2d;5,10d' file.txt
-> deletes lines 2 and 5 through 10
ps aux --sort=-%mem
-> sorts the mem column of sort
emergency reset
echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger
User and Group management
chmod -> change permissions for directories and files
chgrp -> change group owner of file
chage -> change password age of users password
chown -> change user and group ownership of files
id -> get UID, GID , and groups of users via their username
groupmod -> change GID of group
groupmems -> view users apart of a specific group
groupmems -g dudes -l
-> view members of a specific group
id -u <username>
-> just UID
id -u <username>
-> just GID
/etc/default/useradd -> defaults for users
/etc/login.defs -> defaults for users
usermod -aG wheel <user>
-> adds user to wheel group to make them admin privs
useradd -m -u 1201 -G sales,ops linda
-> creates user with home dir and UID of 1201 , adds user to groups sales & ops
sudo file
<username> ALL=/usr/sbin/useradd, /usr/sbin/passwd
-> give user the ability to execute useradd and passwd commands without requiring root privs. User still needs to prepend ‘sudo’ before running command
Defaults timestamp_timeout=240
-> sets sudo token timeout
ALL=/usr/bin/useradd, /usr/bin/passwd, ! /usr/bin/passwd root
-> prevents users granted passwd execution from changing the password of the root user
sudo sh -c "<command> | <command>
-> syntax for piping sudo commands
pkexec visudo
-> allows changing the visudo file if access is unavailable
-> allows changing config files for users directly in /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow
-> same as vipw but for changing configs for groups
chage & passwd
passwd -n 30 -w 3 -x 90 linda
-> sets minimal password usage to 30 days , with 3 days of warning , expires after 90 days
chage -m 30 -W 3 -M 90 linda
-> same thing but using chage instead of apasswd
chage -E 2025-12-31 bob
-> sets bobs account to expire at a certain date chage -l
-> view current password management settings
Special permissions basics
SUID -> on files , files are executed with the permissions of of the file owner
SGID -> on files , files are executed with permissions of group owner on directories , newly created files are assigned group owner
Sticky bit -> prevents users from deleting files from other users
4 -> read
2 -> write
1 -> execute
s -> on directories , SGID and execute are set , on files , SUID and execute are set
S -> on directories,only SGID is set , on files , only SUID is set
t -> sticky bit and execute are set
T -> only sticky bit is set
chmod 755 file.txt
-> user has full rwx , group has rx , others has rx
chmod -R a+X /home/somedir
-> sets execute perm for all users and sub dirs contained within
chmod 4755 /somedir
-> set SUID on dir
chmod u+s /somedir
chmod 2755 /somdir
-> set SGID on dir
chmod g+s /somedir
chmod 1755 /somedir
-> set sticky
chmod +t /somedir
groupmems -l -g workers
-> lists users in workers group
Subtract perm values
Umask changes default permissions for all users
umask 777 somedir
-> defaults for directories
umask 666 somefile
-> defaults for files
/etc/profile.d/ -> file for setting default umask permissions for all users that login to the server , root user created
You could also change the default umask by changing /etc/profile
For individual users you could also add a .profile file in the /etc/skel directory and change the umask there
User-extended attributes
Package: e2fsprogs
A -> file access time , makes sure it’s not modified
a -> allows file to be added but not removed
c -> if volume-level compression is supported, assures files are compressed when the compression engine starts
D -> changes to files are written to disk immediately and not cached first, important for databases
d -> makes sure the file is not backed up when the dump utility is used
I -> enables indexing for the directory where it’s enabled
i -> makes file immutable , good for security
s -> overwrites blocks where file was stored with 0’s after file is deleted , makes sure recovery of the file is not possible after deletion.
u -> saves undelete info , allows a utility that can work with that info to salvage deleted files
chattr +s somefile
-> adds s attribute to file
chattr -s somefile
-> removes s attribute from file