Configuration file is located in : /etc/rsyslog.conf
By default, logs are stored in /var/log/messages
Change save location for log files
*.* /your/new/dir/here
Send logs to remote server
Put this line in your /etc/rsyslog.conf file or where ever your config file is located bash *.* @<REMOTE-SERVER-IP>:514 # UDP *.* @@<REMOTE-SERVER-IP>:514 # TCP
Then restart the rsyslog service
Receive logs from Clients
Enable reception in your config file
# UDP syslog reception
input(type="imudp" port="514")
# TCP syslog reception
input(type="imtcp" port="514")
Remember to add policy for the ports listed in your firewall configuration.
Verify the service is listening on port 514
ss -tunlp | grep 514
Filtering logs by source or severity
Add to config
if $syslogseverity-text == 'error' then /var/log/error.log
& stop
Using log templates
template(name="CustomFormat" type="string" string="%timestamp% %hostname% %msg%\n")
Log testing
logger "Test msg !"