Fortigate Firewall configuration
Linux firewall related commands
- Allow SYN packets
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport <dest-port> --tcp-flags SYN SYN -j ACCEPT
IPv4 Policy
Changed Name to “LAN to WAN “
Set incoming interface to internal
Set outgoing interface to wan1
Set Source to “all”
Set Destination to “all”
Schedule was pre-configured to “always”
Set Service to “ALL”
Action was pre-configured to “ACCEPT”
NAT was already enabled
Added new virtual IP for proxmox server on fortigate
Added new virtual IP for jellyfin-reverse-proxy
Created new IPv4 policy for jellyfin-reverse proxy
- Configured IPv4 policy for jellyfin-reverse-proxy to only allow http service
Port forwarding
I believe I understand now why I was having issues connecting to my local hosts with forwarded ports. In the setup I was configuring the external IP to the public WAN IP given by my ISP. This was WRONG. The reason for this is that currently the fortigate is NOT acting as a DHCP server, relying on my router for that instead. Because of this the requests to forwarded ports using the public WAN IP went nowhere.
- What I did to fix it
- Configured the External IP to the IP shown on my router for the fortigate. I forwarded the ports mapped on the fortigate to the private LAN IP shown on my local network. That way the requests will reach the public IP , which will then forward the requests matching the forwarded ports to the internal NAT IP ( ) which will then be forwarded properly through the fortigate to their respective hosts. I’ve attached a screenshot of the configuration options I used to set all this up.
Fixing local internet
For some reason my router encounters issues when playing around with the DHCP settings. After disabling bridge mode my eero started showing the infamous red light
Steps taken to resolve
unplugged ONT cable from modem
Power cycled modem
Note : When I mean “modem” i’m talking about the eero router
Accessing Fortigate webui using nmcli
Open TUI
edit existing ethernet connection
Under addresses in IPv4 Configuration , Add an IP within the subnet of the WebUI’s subnet , in this case , the IP configured for the WebUI is , I added the to the existing IP’s. View the screenshot below of my current config shown in nmtui
Note: You don’t need a separate gateway or additional route added to access the webui , all you need to do is add the internal IP in the same subnet as the webui.
Disabling anti-replay to allow SYN packets
config system global
set anti-replay disable
Forwarding proxmox webui port to be accessible from outside network
Should I use the router for DHCP or the firewall ?
Generally this would be fine for smaller to mid size networks. For larger networks this may not be advantageous as this would put more load on the firewall.
Firewall changelog
Configured eero router DHCP/NAT seting to “bridge” mode
Remove internal5 & internal1 from hardware switch
Changed internal5 Alias to MGMT
Changed internal5 role to DMZ
Moved cable on fortigate internal5 to port 5 on dumb switch
Added HTTPS , SSH , PING to Administrative Acess section for internal5
Configured IP/Network Mask
Enabled Device Detection on internal5
- Added with gateway of on my local machine
sudo nmcli connection add type ethernet con-name fortigate-mgmt ifname enp13s0 ip4 gw4
Removed HTTP , HTTPS , SSH from all ports except MGMT
Configured IP for DMZ interface to
Disabled DHCP server on DMZ interface
Changed DMZ interface to disabled
Configured addressing mode of WAN2 to “manual”
Configured address on Wan2 interface to
Configured status of WAN2 to “disabled”
Changed HTTPS port to 8765 in System -> Settings
Changed hostname to “buhfur-fortigate” in Settings
Changed gateway on eno1 connection on local host to “”
Created new IPv4 policy under Policy & Objects -> IPv4 Policy
Connected fortigate internal2 to port 4 on dumb switch
Created specific service for proxmox web ui and jellyyfin web ui
- Changed services in Virtual Ip’s from “ALL” to “proxmox-webui” and “jellyfin-webui” respectively
- Configured ALL_TCP service protocol options , enabled source port range of 1-65535