I3 notes
Reload changes made to i3 config
i3-msg reload
i3-msg restart
Swap caps and left ctrl
Add this line to your i3 config
exec --no-startup-id "setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps"
set wallpaper at launch
add this line into your i3 config
exec --no-startup-id feh --bg-scale '/home/adam/wallpaper/walllhaven-38762.jpg'
install powerline fonts
Follow the instructions using this link below
powerline install instructions
disable the trackpad
Find the ID of your trackpad with xinput --list
, then put this line in your I3 config
exec xinput --disable <track-pad-id>
change rofi launcher theme
Modfiy the line below with the directory where your theme is installed
bindsym $mod+d exec rofi -show drun -theme ~/.local/share/rofi/themes/<YOUR-THEME>.rasi
turn off suspend / sleep
Add this line to your i3 configuration file
exec xset -dpms
Add this line instead if you wanna turn off DPMS and screen blanking
xset s off -dpms