Git CLI snippets
- Move recent changes into a separate local branch
git stash git checkout -b <branch-name> git stash pop
Note: You don’t need to include
if the local branch you are checking out to already exists.
- Merge two local branches together
- Switch to target branch you want to merge changes into
git checkout <branch-name>
- Merge branch and resolve conflicts
git merge <branch-with-changes>
- Switch to target branch you want to merge changes into
- Get upstream URL for local branch
git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{u}
- Get remote branches from git repo
git ls-remote --heads <repo-url>
- Clone specifc remote branch to local
git clone -b branch-name <repo-url>
- Delete remote branch on local machine
git push origin --delete branch-name
- Create new local branch and add to remote
git checkout -b <branch-name> git push -u origin <branch-name>
- Change URL used for “origin” remote
git remote set-url origin <link-here>
- Ignore vim swap files
Note: Add this to your .gitignore and commit changes
- Cache ( store ) git credentials
git config credential.helper store
- Reset all changes made on branch to HEAD
git reset --hard HEAD
- Store git credentials permanantly
git config --global credential.helper store
- Undo recent changes ( commits )
git reset --hard HEAD
Note : This throws away all your recent uncommited changes
- Create new local branch
git checkout -b <branch name>
- Push local branch to remote repo as separate branch
git push <remote-name> <local-branch-name>:<remote-branch-name>
WARNING: DO NOT omit the
or the remote branch will be DELTED
- Get branch name
git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
- Push all local branches to remote
git push --all -u
Note : This is handy if you aren’t sharing a repo with someone, I might use this more often than not since i’m a hobbyist with no partners on my projects. ( As of yet )
- Change default editor for commits
git config --global core.editor vim
Note : This sets the default editor to vim
Notes & Additional information
Where are my creds stored when using git config credential.helper store
The credentials are stored on disk in a text file in the home directory of the user , this location is consistent when using both --global
and --system
arguments , this file by default only gives read / write permissions to the user who initiated the command. The file is stored under ~/.git-credentials
. Do note however that this file is in plain text so anyone who can compromise your account ( or malicious NPM modules ) will be able to view your password and token.