
For all things in my brain

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Dont waste consumables macro: (Only use in Combat) (4 => Last bag, 10 slot counting from topleft to bottom right)

/script if UnitAffectingCombat("player") then UseContainerItem(4,10) end

Startattack macro: (41 being the actionslot)

/script if not IsCurrentAction(41) then UseAction(41) end

Berserker Rage + Startattack:

/cast Berserker Stance
/cast Berserker Rage
/script if not IsCurrentAction(41) then UseAction(41) end

Charge macro:

/script if not UnitAffectingCombat("player") then CastSpellByName("Battle Stance"); CastSpellByName("Charge"); end

Cleave + Startattack:

/cast Cleave
/script if not IsCurrentAction(41) then UseAction(41) end

Bloodthirst + Startattack:

/cast Bloodthirst
/script if not IsCurrentAction(41) then UseAction(41) end

Disarm + Startattack:

/cast Defensive Stance
/cast Disarm
/script if not IsCurrentAction(41) then UseAction(41) end

Execute macro:

/script local p=100*UnitHealth("target")/UnitHealthMax("target");if (p>5 or UnitHealth("target")>25000) and UnitMana("player")<26 then CastSpellByName("Berserker Stance"); end; CastSpellByName("Execute");if not IsCurrentAction(41) then UseAction(41) end

Juju flurry macro: (Cast self without untargeting the boss)

/script UseContainerItem(3,16); SpellTargetUnit("player");

Bandage macro:

/script UseContainerItem(0,1); SpellTargetUnit("player");

Heoric Strike + Startattack:

/cast Heroic Strike
/script if not IsCurrentAction(41) then UseAction(41) end

Intercept macro + Startattack:

/cast Berserker Stance
/cast Intercept
/script if not IsCurrentAction(41) then UseAction(41) end

Mocking Blow:

/cast Battle Stance
/cast Mocking Blow


/cast Battle Stance
/cast Overpower
/script if not IsCurrentAction(41) then UseAction(41) end

Pummel macro:

/cast Berserker Stance
/cast Pummel

Switch mainhand weapon macro:

/script UseContainerItem(0,2)

Thunderclap + Startattack:

/cast Battle Stance
/cast Thunder Clap
/script if not IsCurrentAction(41) then UseAction(41) end

Whirlwind + Startattack:

/cast Berserker Stance
/cast Whirlwind
/script if not IsCurrentAction(41) then UseAction(41) end

Shield Bash macro: (22 being the actionslot of your shield)

/script UseAction(22); CastSpellByName("Defensive Stance"); CastSpellByName("Shield Bash"); if not IsCurrentAction(41) then AttackTarget() end

Battle Stance to Berserker Stance Whirlwind macro:

It does Bloodthirst if you have enough rage and its off cd or getting of cd and then switches stance in order to not waste any rage.

/script local a,h,b,c=CastSpellByName,UnitMana("player"),GetActionCooldown(75); if h<=25 or (b+c-GetTime())>1.5 then a("Berserker Stance"); a("Whirlwind") else a("Bloodthirst") end; if not IsCurrentAction(41) then UseAction(41) end

Autoattack macro with check for Shadow Command at Nef:

/script zu=true;for i=1,2 do GameTooltip:SetUnitDebuff("target", i);if (GameTooltipTextLeft1:GetText() or "")=="Shadow Command" then zu=false end;end if zu then CastSpellByName("Bloodthirst");if not IsCurrentAction(41) then AttackTarget() end;end

Made by Shino