
For all things in my brain

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Siphon Life, CoA, Corruption

/run s={"Siphon Life","Curse of Agony","Corruption"} if not q then q=1 end CastSpellByName(s[q]) q=q+1 if q>table.getn(s) then q=1 end

Castsequence Siphon Life, CoA, Corruption, Immolate

/run local _gspells = { "Siphon Life", "Curse of Agony", "Corruption", "Immolate"} if GetSpellCooldown(4,"BOOKTYPE_SPELL")==0 then _gi=_gi and _gi > 0 and _gi or 1 CastSpellByName(_gspells[_gi]) _gi = math.mod(1+_gi, 1+table.getn(_gspells))end

Buff Detect Inivisibility, Unending Breath

/run local _gspells = { "Detect Invisibility", "Unending Breath"} if GetSpellCooldown(4,"BOOKTYPE_SPELL")==0 then _gi=_gi and _gi > 0 and _gi or 1 CastSpellByName(_gspells[_gi]) _gi = math.mod(1+_gi, 1+table.getn(_gspells))end