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/run if GetBonusBarOffset() == 0 then CastSpellByName("Stealth") end


/run local _, _, active = GetShapeshiftFormInfo(1) if not active then CastShapeshiftForm(1)end


/run for i=1,120 do if IsCurrentAction(i) and not IsAttackAction(i) then return end end CastSpellByName("Stealth")


uses stealth if it’s not active. stealth needs to be in action slot 37.

/run if not IsCurrentAction(37) then UseAction(37) end;

Stealth, if shift key down cancel stealth

/run local i,a,sn sn="Stealth" i=0 while a~=sn do i=i+1 a=GetSpellName(i,"spell")end if ({GetSpellCooldown(i,"spell")})[3]~=0 == not IsShiftKeyDown() then CastSpellByName(sn)end

Here you can see where the actionID slots in your actionbars are:

ActionBar page 1: slots 1 to 12
ActionBar page 2: slots 13 to 24
ActionBar page 3 (Right ActionBar): slots 25 to 36
ActionBar page 4 (Right ActionBar 2): slots 37 to 48
ActionBar page 5 (Bottom Right ActionBar): slots 49 to 60
ActionBar page 6 (Bottom Left ActionBar): slots 61 to 72