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Enchants Aquadynamic Fish Attractor to fishing pole

/run for b=0,4 do for s=1,18 do local i=GetContainerItemLink if not(i(b,s)==nil)then if strfind(i(b,s), "Aquadynamic Fish Attractor")then  UseContainerItem(b,s)PickupInventoryItem(16)ReplaceEnchant()end end end end

Toggle between the named rod and weapon

While holding shift, toggles between the named rod and weapon. While not holding shift, casts fishing. It doesn’t take offhands into account.

/run local p,w,z,c,u,l="Fishing Pole","Gnarled Short Staff",string,CastSpellByName,UseItemByName,GetInventoryItemLink("player",16)local s,e=z.find(l,"%[.+%]")l=z.sub(l,s+1,e-1)if IsShiftKeyDown() then if l~=p then u(p)else u(w)end else c("Fishing")end


Keybinding this one to a mouse button like middleclick for easy fishing/mounting/dismounting with one hand. put mount in action slot 12.

/run local i=GetInventoryItemTexture("player",GetInventorySlotInfo("MainHandSlot")) if i and string.find(i,"INV_Fishingpole")then CastSpellByName("Fishing") else UseAction(12)end