
For all things in my brain

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/run if IsAltKeyDown() then CastSpellByName("Portal: Stormwind") elseif IsControlKeyDown() then CastSpellByName("Portal: Darnassus") else CastSpellByName("Portal: Ironforge") end


/run if IsAltKeyDown() then CastSpellByName("Teleport: Stormwind") elseif IsControlKeyDown() then CastSpellByName("Teleport: Darnassus") else CastSpellByName("Teleport: Ironforge") end

Teleport when solo and portal when in group

/run if GetNumPartyMembers()==0 and GetNumRaidMembers()==0 then CastSpellByName("Teleport: Ironforge") else CastSpellByName("Portal: Ironforge") end

Combined together

/run local a,b="Portal: ","Ironforge"; if GetNumPartyMembers()==0 and GetNumRaidMembers()==0 then a="Teleport: " end; if IsAltKeyDown() then b="Stormwind" elseif IsControlKeyDown() b="Darnassus" end; CastSpellByName(a..b);

Macros by Garkin