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Find Buff Texture

To find “BUFF_TEXTURE” in certain macros use this macro (Target yourself while you have the buff)

/script function m(s) DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(s); end for i=1,16 do s=UnitBuff("target", i); if(s) then m("B "..i..": "..s); end s=UnitDebuff("target", i); if(s) then m("D "..i..": "..s); end end
/run local t,n,a=GetShapeshiftFormInfo(1)DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(t..","..n..","..(a and "active" or ""))

Use the script to get the current Tracking Texture

/run icon= GetTrackingTexture() DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(icon)