
For all things in my brain

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/run DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Hello world! my target name is "..GetUnitName("target"))

If your current target is a player then send a chat whisper to him/her

/run if UnitExists("target") then SendChatMessage("This is a test but insert whatever you are casting here","WHISPER",nil,UnitName("target")) end

The following will send your current location into PARTY chat:

/run local x,y=GetPlayerMapPosition("player") SendChatMessage("I'm at "..GetZoneText().." - "..GetMinimapZoneText().." - "..math.floor((x*100)+0,5).." "..math.floor((y*100)+0,5),"PARTY")

The following will do the same into BATTLEGROUND chat:

/run local x,y=GetPlayerMapPosition("player") SendChatMessage("I'm at "..GetZoneText().." - "..GetMinimapZoneText().." - "..math.floor((x*100)+0,5).." "..math.floor((y*100)+0,5),"BATTLEGROUND")